Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday and Friday, December 10 and 11

We saw the Sopers on Wednesday and gave them our cell phone number. She didn't know hers. She said she'd call, but we haven't heard from them or seen them. Their court is supposed to be today. We hope all goes well for them.

We are still just hanging out in Sumy and trying to find things to do to make the time pass faster. It snowed today, but people are out and about as usual. It's bitterly cold. Michael and I have run out of movies to watch. We didn't pack enough movies. We didn't know we'd have so much time on our hands. How I wish I could blink myself home during the day so I could get ready for Christmas. My children will have a strange Christmas, but maybe having us home will be enough? We think we'll be home the evening of December 23, but we're not sure. Hopefully we'll have Alex with us. We are positive Rita will be here in Sumy.

I'll blog more tomorrow about the happenings in the orphanage. It's time to head there now. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and thoughts. So many of you e-mail us to let us know you are praying and thinking of us. It really lifts our spirits.


  1. Did you bring cards? James and I played cards. We tried to get TV shows online but it didn't work.
    Don't you feel like you're in another dimension? Like the life you knew-the busy crazy life-is somewhere else as you just try to find things to occupy your time?
    Maybe you could do all your Christmas shopping there? I'm sure your family would love painted spoons, toothpick girls and fur hats. (I'm joking of course!)
    At least you're in the city and have internet access, can you imagine being in the country without any connection?
    Why in the world do you not have a washer? Dryers are know are pretty much unheard of, by a washer? Do they have laundromats? That could occupy a few hours.
    Brr....stay warm! It was six degree's this morning when I went to the gym. Think we're getting snow soon. Hopefully that will bring warmer weather.
    I'm just rambling here to help occupy your time.....
    So, tell us about what your eating, are you cooking? Do you have a favorite food spot? For us it was the potato house and the "upstairs smoking place" we didn't know the name but the non smoking section was upstairs-yes smoke does rise so really the whole place was a smoking section. They had playboys for you to flip through while waiting for your food. Crazy hu? But the food was pretty good. Wish you were in Dnipro-I could tell you where you could get a cheap pedicure. That's it! Go get a pedicure! That will take at least an hour. Maybe an hour an a half if you get your a manicure too. Michael could get one with you! It's great-they're cheap AND you don't have to make annoying small talk because they don't speak your language and you don't speak theirs!
    Well, I should get my kiddo's off to school.
    Hang in there my friend. This too shall pass. Like a kidney stone but it will pass!

  2. Uhm....clarification to the above post. We did NOT flip through Playboys while waiting for our food. I just found it crazy that in this family friendly restaurant, they were even available. Just thought I should clarify....
    PS (If you ever print your blog for journal keeping-be sure to delete all my dumb comments!)

  3. So I'm checking back and noticed a TON of grammatical/spelling errors in my first comment. Like this sentence "Dryers are know are pretty much unheard of, by a washer?" Yeah, that was suppose to say "Dryers I know are pretty much unheard of, but a washer?"
    I must not have been very awake, I don't know.
    Well, I've just entertained/filled your time for one more minute-aren't you glad I follow your blog???
