Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New pictures

I've put pictures up on the previous post if anyone's interested.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lawrence family,

    Our hearts go out to you. Despite the outcome, you have planted some tender seeds of love in Bogdan's heart that will affect him and his generations forever. You gave Bogdan the knowledge that someone loved him him SO much, that they would fly around the world for him. That is going to have lasting effect on him and he'll rise above the stereotypical orphan when he turns 16. You've also shown his mother what true love is. If she ever is tempted to stray back to her old ways, she'll remember those tears you cried for her son and realize just what a lucky mom she is. Y

    ou 2 are some amazing people for doing what you did. Somehow, I just don't think this is the end of the road for you, though. Maybe there will be a chapter 2 of this story? :)
