Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Awesome Sixth Graders

My sixth graders' midterm report cards came home yesterday. Quinn's was great, and Alex's, although he didn't receive actual letter grades, was very encouraging also. His teacher wrote, "Alex is doing extremely well. He is learning at a rapid rate, especially in math. He is able to follow classroom discussions and even makes comments of his own. Thanks for all your support."

Not bad for five weeks in America.

Later in a phone conversation, she said, "Kudos to Quinn. He comes in several times a day to check on Alex and spends his lunches and recesses with him."

Well, since I don't hesitate to blog about all the negative, I thought I'd blog about my happy day for once. But I also know that "This too will pass," and that surely there's more !*-#*! just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Watch out for those corners! Great news about your sixth graders. Wish we could have talked more at lunch-if you ever want to get together-call me-especially after next Wednesday as James is back to work!
