On Monday, President's Day, we went out to the West Desert to shoot. This has always been a favorite thing to do for my boys. I go along to try to be a good sport, but I can't understand the attraction. This is Alex, Patrick (friend), and Quinn with their eye and ear protection on.
Their favorite gun is the AK 47. I forgot to get pictures with that one. Oh, well.
The kick would send Alex back a step with each shot!
Alex's English is coming along. He says things like, "It's so cool," or "It's so fun," or "Are you kidding me?" or "What the heck?" The first time we heard, "What the heck?" we all burst into laughter. The first time we heard, "Holy crap," we all looked at each other and decided we needed to be more careful in our choice of words.
Alex's favorite words on Tuesday were, "I don't like school. It's no fun. No friends."
Or when doing homework, "I don't like this. Geez, Mom."
Or when being told Mrs. Benson was coming, "I don't like it."
Or when eating dinner, "I don't like this."
It seemed the "I don't like" and the "I don't want" just went on and on. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything about our family or house that he does like. About 8:00 p.m., I had had enough and said, "I know, Alex. You don't like anything." I went into Marissa's room, closed the door, and screamed, "Take me away!!"
This sent Alex into melt-down mode. He went to bed and would not talk to anyone. Next morning he refused breakfast and would not talk to anyone.
Come Tuesday evening, he had returned to normal. When he is "normal," he is very cute and endearing. For instance, last night at Scouts, he saved his ice cream treat to bring home to give to Michael because it was his birthday. I thought that was very sweet and thoughtful. This morning we saw him restrain himself from saying, "I don't like this" when we put breakfast before him. He simply took a few bites but didn't complain. My friend told me to think about the movie What About Bob? "Baby steps, baby steps."