Thursday, August 19, 2010

Home, the Happiest Place on Earth?

Alex got lost in Disneyland last night. Yup. He wanted to play "futuristic games" in the Innoventions building. We said to wait at the exit at 9:00 p.m. "Do not leave if we're not right there. Wait until we come." So what did he do? He left EARLIER than 9:00 and walked around Disneyland while I panicked for 45 minutes looking for him. My cell phone rang, and his voice said, "Mom, this is Alex." I wanted to strangle him. Another long lecture.

I awoke this morning to Alex asking me if we're going home today. I said yes. He asked if it was a day earlier than expected. I said yes. I thought he would be sad and disappointed. Instead he said, "I'm so excited to go home and sleep in my own bed. I think home is the happiest place on earth." A pleasant surprise.


  1. My son also craves being home. He is never excited to go to any vacations even if he has fun while we are there. He always wants to be home before anyone else. I have heard the same things from other parents too, I just don't think we totally get it.

  2. Yep. I'm with Margie. Alex LOVES coming home and sleeping in his own bed. He learned the phrase Home Sweet Home within months of coming home. Hope you travel safe. Horrible rain here. Be careful.

  3. I lost my niece, my nephew and Sara at Lagoon all within 10 minutes. I found my niece and nephew at security, but Sara was still lost. After an hour she found me. I told her she shouldn't walk off and how worried I was, she said I should never worry, she would just wait till the park closed and all the people were gone. Then we would find each other. I told her about turning herself into security, and she insisted that was for babies and she would never do it. I almost turned in my mom card that day.
