Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Uncle Dave

Uncle Dave, Dad's older brother, passed away last week from pancreatic cancer. He was 89 years old. These pictures were taken at the cemetary on Saturday, July 18. I didn't know my Uncle Dave very well, but funerals in the family always cause me to reflect on my own mortality and that of my parents.
It was nice to see family members I hadn't seen for a long time.
Mom, Brett, Elaine

Mirm, Wig, Mom, Dad, Elaine, Susan, Nancy

Dave's family

Miriam, Joan, Sherry, Moroni
Dave was a WWII veteran. His son was presented the American flag.

A beautiful view from the cemetary.
Joan, Dad

Dad, Nancy, Susan

Susan, Lori, Nancy

1 comment:

  1. :)
    (This is my new comment just letting you know I read your blog!)
