Sunday, May 31, 2009

Feeling Anxious

Another Sunday fading away. It was a good day, except that I'm feeling anxious. First the good part: Church was a lift for me today. Marissa had to do sharing time in Primary today, and it was great watching my daughter pull off a 25-minute portion of Primary with the children spellbound. She's so much more capable than I was at that age. Gage played the piano today for a stake priesthood meeting. It's nice to know all those hundreds of dollars I spent for lessons didn't go wasted. Eric is in Montana for a few days cleaning carpets at Brian and Susan's motel. He wanted to earn a little money while he was on leave. He'll be back to our house June 4th but leaves for Guam June 12th. The time is going by too quickly.

So why am I feeling anxious? We learned Friday that the Parliament in Ukraine will be voting this Tuesday, June 2, on a bill that proposes putting a moratorium on international adoption from Ukraine. I don't know if my heart can take this again. Our plane tickets are purchased, and we are supposed to be heading for Ukraine June 13. Our adoption agency tried to put our minds at ease, but I will not be at ease until I hear news from Ukraine on Tuesday.

My thoughts and prayers turn to the other families being affected and all of our children that are half a world away. Please pray that those people who have the fate of these children in their hands will be influenced for good and that the proper decisions will be made.


  1. Oh no. This is the last thing you need. What is a moratorium anyway? What ever it is it sounds bad. I'll be praying for all of you.

  2. I don't blame you! I would be an axious mess! Just think, by the time we meet for lunch, we should all know and suposedly this goes before voting all the time....right?
