Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pictures of Grandpa's birthday celebration

We celebrated Dad's 85th birthday on May 28. We followed tradition and met at the Jordan River Temple for a session and then all went to dinner afterwards.

Here's the birthday boy looking very forlorn.

Catch-up post

The Lawrence clan got together for Dustin's baptism in April. Here are a few pictures of the family.

Here's the newly-baptized boy. He didn't delay changing out of his Sunday clothes.

Macy got in the font when no one was looking. Things like that make special days memorable, that's for sure.

We went to Music and the Spoke Word several weeks ago. One of my favorite Sunday things to do.

Farewell picture of our red truck. We only kept it for TEN years.

I was at Jordan River Temple last week and couldn't resist snapping a picture of the flowers. This was a brief moment of sunshine, as it rained the entire month.